New address for TOP's HeadQuarter and EMEA office

November 29, 2023

New office location and warehouse -  TOP-electronics is moving - January 1, 2024

TOP-electronics is delighted to inform you that we are moving to a new office and warehouse location as of January 1, 2024.

The new address of the EMEA and HeadQuarter will be:

New location   All other details remain the same!   Postal address
TOP-electronics   +31 (0)180 - 580 492   TOP-electronics
Griendstraat 23   [email protected]   PO Box 439
2921 LA  Krimpen aan den IJssel   [email protected]   2920 AK Krimpen aan den IJssel
The Netherlands   [email protected]   The Netherlands


A space that matches our ambition

Thanks to wonderful partners and customers, we have outgrown our current workplace and have found an even larger office and warehouse. A space that matches our ambition.

This relocation marks a moment in our company's journey, signifying our commitment to meeting the evolving needs of our customers and partners. The move to this expansive new facility not only allows us to accommodate our current team comfortably but positions us for even greater achievements in the future.

This move underscores our dedication to providing unparalleled service and streamlined processes for our valued clientele. The increased capacity of our warehouse enables us to manage larger inventories, ensuring prompt deliveries and seamless supply chain operations.

Our upgraded office space is tailored to support innovation, collaboration, and the overall well-being of our team, fostering an environment where creativity and productivity thrive.


First moving moments and shared moments at the new location

On November 28, we started the moving the first stock to our new location.

After a considerable period of renovation and creating good office and warehouse, it was time to take the first steps of moving. The first stock have been moved to our new warehouse which is three times the size as the present warehouse.

There is still a lot of work to do, but as from the first of January 2024 the Griendstraat will be our new location.

As TOP-team we are really looking forward working there.


Moving the first stock to our new location    
"Sinterklaas" at the new location    


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